annual reports

Annual report of 2021
published In: 2021
Child rights are based on four main pillars which are the right to survival, the right to protection, the right to development and the right to participation. Education and development are essential rights under the pillar of the right to development. These rights are based on non – discrimination principle and all actions must comply with the best interest of children. The right to survival is based on child right to life. The Government needs to provide basic services for children including quality healthcare, appropriate nutrition.
Annual report of 2020
published on: 2020
The main objective of this report is to provide key findings on the status of the implementation of the Universal Periodic Review Recommendations related to children accepted by the Government of Rwanda. The report provides potential grounds for legal reforms, policy changes and other measures aimed at improving the situation of children’s rights in Rwanda.

Annual report of 2019
published on: 2019
The Coalition “Umwana ku Isonga/child at the forefront” (CUI) is a Rwandan Civil society organization governed by the Rwandan law governing NGOs in Rwanda and registered under the certificate n o 219/RGB/NGO/LP/04/2018 with the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB). It has been created with the purposes of networking and alliance building with a mandate to assess and report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) on the one hand, and to coordinate all activities carried out by individual member organizations.
Annual report of 2018
published on: 2018
The Coalition “Umwana ku Isonga/child in forefront”(CUI) is a Rwandan Child rights Civil society organization governed by the Rwandan law. The Coalition Umwana ku Isonga (CUI) is registered under no 219/RGB/NGO/LP/04/2018. It has been created with the purposes of networking and alliance building with a mandate to assess and report on the implementation of the United Nations Child Rights Convention (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).

Annual report of 2014
published on: 2014
The Rwanda Civil Society Child Rights Coalition “Umwana ku Isonga”, herein referred to as “the Coalition Umwana ku Isonga ” was created on the 11th November 2010 for the purposes of networking and alliance building with a mandate to ‘monitor and report on the implementation of the United Nations Child Rights Convention (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) on the one hand, and coordinating all activities carried out by individual member organisations.
Contact Info
Address: KG 11 , AV 16 Amahoro Village Rukiri II, Remera Sector Gasabo District, City of Kigali